Tag Archives: Clematis

Clematis and Ladybird Floral Art

The experimentation continues. Moved from one to multiple gradients and some selective blurring. Then just for fun I added a contrasting colour – in the form of a ladybird. Photoshop certainly is enjoyable now that I have gotten over my pre-conceived notions.

Photo 1: Clematis and Ladybird final image

Clematis blue V ladybird



Photo 2: Clematis after shading and blurring

Clematis blue V

Photo 3: Original Clematis photo

Blue Clematis low res

Creeping Clematis

ImageGot to see these giant blooms over the weekend and they are rather impressive. The view above is just before it opens and the one below after opening.

ImageThe smaller versions are pictured below and create and equally impressive display.



Spotted another pretty giant bright pink Clematis on the way out today.

Clematis  bright pink low res