Fables and Flora and TEDx

Passion for the things we love can take us many places. My love of flowers led me to photography which has taken me on journey of wonder and discovery and recently led me to the stage at TEDx Emerald Glen Park.

Butterflies in the Poppies:

Butterflies in Poppies Watercolor

My passions for storytelling, community and all things floral collided in a blissful moment that urged me to encourage others to follow the paths where they seek to make a difference.

If you’re waiting for a sign to take a leap out of your comfort zone then please take a moment to view my TEDx Talk – Community, Connection and the Art of Storytelling.

It’s not for everyone but it might just be for you.

PS: Flowers at the TEDx Event:

TEDx flowers pincushion

Amazing that it included a pincushion bloom from the Western Cape in South Africa! Stocks symbolize a happy life and contented existence. Orange roses represent enthusiasm, passion and gratitude. The Feverfew daisy-like flowers are a medicinal plant for treating headaches so this is a perfect TEDx bouquet!

Happy Earth Day!


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