Happy Freedom Day South Africa!

The 27 April is Freedom Day in South Africa and is marked with a public holiday. On this day in 1994, the first democratic and non-racial national election was held in the country. Today marks it’s 20th anniversary.

It was a highly emotional event for many as for the first time, everyone aged over 18, of any race, was allowed to vote. The ANC (African National Congress) was voted into power and Nelson Mandela became the first democratically elected President of South Africa on 10th May and a new national flag was introduced.

Freedom Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm by all South Africans and tributes are paid to all those who sacrificed their lives to gain liberation. South Africa still has its struggles but it has a beautiful heart and its people are lovingly known as the Rainbow Nation.

Photo 1: South African Flag collage

SA Flag collage low res


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