Tag Archives: inspiration

LinkedIn doesn’t like flakey

Photo 1: #YourTurnChallenge #Day2


The conversation with my relocation adviser was about fifteen minutes in when we started talking about my LinkedIn profile summary. She took one look at it and said “You will have to remove the bit about the floral photography, recruiters don’t like flakey”.

Floral photography is my passion. Nothing ignites my soul like capturing the essence of a bloom in all it’s splendour. To have my art judged and demoted at a glance hurt.

Understandably the conversation rapidly deteriorated after that. If being passionate about floral photography made me flakey then so be it!

I would be a flakey artsy generalist instead of a boxed in, easily defined, scientific writer. If a recruiter didn’t like that I was flakey then they didn’t have work that would fuel my creative fire so that was no loss anyway.

I maintain that the world needs flakey! The world needs our authentic creative selves connecting with our passions to drive us into new realms of accomplishment.

You define who you are and you set the boundaries. Not conforming to expectations is not a bad thing. Sterilising the flakey is not a solution.

So be brave and be flakey! Live your passion and leave a legacy. I know I will.

So here’s another piece of my art (you fan find more on FineArtAmerica):


Let the blogging #YourTurnChallenge begin!

Live. Lead. Contribute.

Roses pink cluster on blue

I have joined the #YourTurnChallenge and started a new blog called Junbi. I would love to hear your thoughts on it!

This blog was initiated because of a challenge by Winnie Kao, the Special Projects Lead for Seth Godin, linked to his book What to do when it’s your turn (and it’s always your turn), to do a blog post a day for 7 days.

To follow Seth’s key theme in his book – it’s my opportunity to take my turn and to make a difference. We all have the opportunity to contribute, to lead and to live our lives to the full.

My husband is blogging for this challenge too. Read his posts on Remarkable Runs.

I have been blogging for a few years now. I have tried various approaches and some have worked while others haven’t. Fables and Flora has been my most successful as I think it’s involves the content that I am most passionate about – flowers of course! My aim for 2015 is to revamp Fables and Flora and take the content to new exciting places so watch this space.

Hope you enjoy the journey with me and please give Junbi a read too!

Rose Petal Power

The Roses just keep blooming and they have such beautiful shading that I just have to take a few more photos. I put some emphasis on the petals rather than the full bloom after being inspired by one of the winning entries for IGPOTY (International Garden Photographer of the Year).

Photo 1: Rose petals

Rose petals 2 low res


Photo 2: Petal power

Rose petals 4 low res


Photo 3: Variegated petals

Rose petals low res

Photo 4: Soft curves

Rose petals 3 low res

Photo 5: A single rose petal

Rose petals 5 low res


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